The Shameless Flirting of Mary Jane Watson

Your Spidey Super Stories Moment of Joy for this week:



Dude, Mary Jane. Your boyfriend is right there.



We know, Spidey. We know.


The heartbreak of dating a super-model is chronicled in Spidey Super Stories #27, wherein Loki interrupts MJ’s game and gets a boot to his chops for his trouble.



BONUS FEATURE: I Seriously Have No Idea


Behold, and be perplexed:



31 thoughts on “The Shameless Flirting of Mary Jane Watson

  1. I hope and pray that the following panel features Thor’s reply…

    “Verily, the Odinson doth not merely tell. He shall show to thee his hammer, once thy twerpish boyfriend takes his leave. Begone, Parker, that the Scion of Asgard might satisfy yon fair maiden’s curiousity!”

  2. Isaac Said:
    Dude! Spidey’s up to his waist in honey with the young Morgan Freeman!

    Nuh-uh. Spidey Super Stories was associated with “The Electric Company,” so he was up to his waist in honey with Easy Reader.

  3. I’m trying to imagine Super Stories-ized Thor dialog and I think my head is going to burst open.

  4. Every friggin’ week you make me want some Spidey Super Stories more and more…

    C’mon, Marvel. Essential Spidey. Please?

  5. Spidey Super Stories was associated with “The Electric Company,” so he was up to his waist in honey with Easy Reader.

    Who was played by…?

  6. That’s an interesting choice of lipstick color for MJ. Maybe she’s born with it! Maybe it’s Maybelline! Maybe she’s been frenching one of the Goldfinger chicks.

  7. Man, just add an “s” to Morgan Freeman/Easy Reader’s line, and it goes from being a sticky mess to being a dream come true.

  8. I thought that it was a sea of buttery goodness. My monitor must be broken.

    Either way, it’s clearly a plot by The Man to keep them down. Stinkin’ blonde Asgardian.

  9. Interesting.

    It appears that the honey has made that woman in the last panel holy. HAAAAALLLELUJAH!

    Must be some good honey.

  10. And another thing: I don’t think Spider-Man has the right to complain to ANYBODY about a sticky mess. You hear me, Mr. Squirts Adhesive Webbing All Over Downtown NYC?

  11. That Thor — always hanging around the diner, trying to pick up girls.

    No wonder his dad was always down on him for hanging around Earth: our planet makes slackers of the gods.**

    **With the exception of Volstagg, who’s one degree away from a Minnesotan bachelor farmer anyway.

  12. Its about time MJ dropped the zero and got with the hero!

    And his pretty, pretty, shiny blond hair.

  13. What? ROM week’s over already? But that was only, like, seven days! Us Long Box readers know that a week is way longer than that. Chop-chop! More ROM!

  14. You know, there probably is some website out there with pictures of robots stuck in waist-deep honey, if you’re interested.

    There’s likely a membership fee, though.

  15. zc Says:


    It appears that the honey has made that woman in the last panel holy. HAAAAALLLELUJAH!

    Must be some good honey.


    Manna from heaven maybe?