And Then There Was The Time The ComicsAlliance Senior Staff Met Rob Liefeld



Another highlight of this year’s HeroesCon: the ComicsAlliance staff running into Rob Liefeld in the hotel bar and getting our picture taken with a guy that I described on Sunday as being like Batman: More than a man. A symbol.

But it wasn’t the most exciting picture in the world, which is why today, I’ve taken it upon myself to spice things up with The Rob Liefeld World Tour! Tell me you wouldn’t watch this as a TV show: Me, L-Hud, Caleb and Caleb’s skinny jeans just traveling the world in the company of a dude that straight up loves swords.

It’s a gold mine.

14 thoughts on “And Then There Was The Time The ComicsAlliance Senior Staff Met Rob Liefeld

  1. Love him or hate him as an artist, living in CA in the 80s and early90s I saw him at shows quite a bit, and I have never seen him be anything but nice to fans, even going out of his way to sign books for a kid that ran half the length of the San Diego convention center to catch up with him.

    Not a fan of his art myself, but I’d defend him as a good guy.

  2. Not a fan of his art myself, but I’d defend him as a good guy.

    Same here. Lord knows I’m not a fan, but that doesn’t mean I wanted to be a dick to him, and he was certainly very nice in taking a long minute to pose for the picture.

  3. It may be the saddest place on earth and horribly uncomfortable, but that south of the border one cracked me up. Also that mustache looks mighty good on you.

  4. I take it he never listened to Radio ISB back in the day.
    Hey, remember Radio ISB?

  5. Grimacing faces, hulking badasses(thanks Caleb), weird anatomy(thanks Chris) and no feet shown?

    Goddamnit Rob Liefeld, you’ve done again

  6. I was expecting the return of the fried ice cream jpg in the sotb one. And I thought Atlantis was meant to be Rapture at first . So now I want Rob in Bioshock 3.

  7. Rob Liefield: of all the comics creators in the 90s, he was one of them.

    Dear Chris,

    Comics Alliance never loads properly for me at work… I can’t seen any of the pictures, which is so frustrating now that so much of your work is there. It’s hard to justify being a hater when I can’t even fully expereince your work!!

  8. Steve: All of the images on CA are hosted by blogcdn so I’d guess that problem is your company’s censorware blocking blogcdn because “blogs are bad” or something.