…is thinking about a girl who wants nothing more than to be a girl scout but they don’t let her in because she lost all of her teeth from not brushing so now she goes from door to door in a homemade uniform with merit badges made from clipping logos out of the Sunday coupons and stapling them to a pillowcase, trying to sell cookies that nobody wants so she has to eat them herself but she baked them too long and so she can’t get through them without gumming them for hours.


Batman #200, 1968

36 thoughts on “BATMAN

  1. awww, poor kid.

    ….the girl thing is sad too i guess. But i meant poor Batsy.

  2. And that’s the story of when Batman went to South of the Border and had fried ice cream that didn’t agree with him.

  3. But I’m pretty sure Robin is still thinking about the puppies in the dance contest.

  4. Honest-to-God I’m not kidding, you could make a nice Batman villain origin story from that caption.

    “And that sad girl became… COOKIE CUTTER, the madwoman in the demented Girl Scout uniform, whose cookies are sprinkled with crunchy DOOM!”

  5. It had to be to make him cry, Slee. He trained to be impervious to all but the most severe sob stories.

  6. Batman…
    is thinking that this is the LONGEST 18 miles to the next Rest Area he has ever experienced…

  7. Remember back when Chris would actually post content here, instead of 1 panel gags and links to other sites where he writes stuff?

  8. Come on, Sims! What’s with all this wanting to have food and shelter? Food AND shelter? Together? You’ve gone Hollywood, dude. Paying bills is for suckers! When the collection agencies call me, I just say, “In lieu of cash, will you accept these helpful comments left on my blog pointing out things I forgot to mention in my series of Photoshopped images of movie characters fighting comic book characters and analysis of which would win?” That’s how real bloggers do it!

  9. random surfer’s righteous entitlement is totally justified. It is such a pain to get the same content and updates I normally would, just on a different site. You think I got time to click a link? I work for a living!

  10. I heard Chris was the one who convinced Jim Balent to give Raven Hex nipple spikes.

    I’d post here more often but I’ve been busy ghostwriting Funky Winkerbean.

  11. Hey, guys, lay off Random Surfer! All of his fingers are broken and he can’t afford casts or sprints! It literally hurts him to click his mouse just once to go to read Chris’ stuff on other sites! Why, the very fact he typed out that long, asinine comment at all proves one thing – RANDOM SURFER HAS THE HEART OF A CHAMPION!

  12. Bloggers need to be put in their place. They are a cowardly and superstitious lot. I have to become something they fear. * A Dungeons & Dragons: Monster Manual crashes thru the window. It lands open to a page.* I shall become The Troll!

  13. Jason- That was funny.

    Chris– Too depressing for a Batman joke this morning. Now I am just gonna go to work and think about that poor girl. Maybe on lunch I’ll watch the Dark Knight on my iTouch to feel better.

  14. This is the same trick Liam Neeson used to make the tears come when he was filiming “Schindler’s List”. Now he just drives a tack into his thumb.

  15. This is the story your mother used to tell you to try and get you to brush your teeth, isn’t it. (My mother used to try to get me to take a bath with a story about a pony who didn’t have any friends.)