Wrestler Wisdom Friday #34



Each week, the ISB endeavors to enlighten our readers by offering the unedited words of the Warrior Scholars of the squared circle, for who among us cannot benefit from the wisdom of Macho Madness, Hulkamania, or the American Dream? The instruction we offer should be considered carefully, meditated on, and applied to one’s own life for the enrichment of the self and others.

5 thoughts on “Wrestler Wisdom Friday #34

  1. Hi Chris. Ebony Looney told me about your blog. It really is nice! I’d like to invite you to a blogger’s luncheon in Columbia, SC on Oct 23. I hope you will consider coming. Please go to our website and take a gander. If you are interested, let me know and I will get an invitation out to you. Thanks, Teowonna Clifton

  2. I think this promo would be even better today, given by working a working actor to the UFC Champ.