13 thoughts on “Friday Night Fights: Filed Under B!

  1. There are no words to adequately describe the grandiosity of that sequence. None. At all. In any language. Alone. Maybe if you threw Esperanto, Klingon, Pig Latin, and whatever Dusty Rhodes speaks in a blender and had James Lipton deliver it, you could get close. But even then; inadequate.

  2. That was almost too exciting! I was so happy when I could see it would DRAW to a close.

    I’ll FILE that one under B for Barda… And pray for her good OFFICEs. And the price the original comic cost… was a STEEL.

    The fight was OPEN AND SHUT though.

  3. You try that shit on in OfficeMax and Big Barda will fold you up like a love letter, you stupid broad! And don’t forget that OMAC-Orange tights are all the rage this fall!

  4. There’s a junior vice-president at work who really needs to be bombarded with filing cabinet drawer projectiles.

    Lacking an Amazon girlfriend, maybe I can get the same effect using compressed air canisters.

  5. “The former commander of the Female Furies drops the hammer in the pages of MISTER MIRACLE #16”

    She totally doesn’t, you know. It’s in issue #17.

    For shame, Mr. Sims. Is this any way to live up to the exacting standards of accuracy and reliability which we’ve come to expect from the ISB?

  6. “The former commander of the Female Furies drops the hammer in the pages of MISTER MIRACLE #16″

    She totally doesn’t, you know. It’s in issue #17.

    No, the first sentence is generic enough that it applies to any issue featuring Big Barda.

  7. I am overwhelmed by just how awesome that it. Jack Kirby drawing a lady punching drawers out of a filing cabinet so hard they explode in pure white light?

  8. Barda ripped the top of the case open for easy gripping… and she launched those drawers with a “wham” caused by the pelvic thrust!

  9. No, the first sentence is generic enough that it applies to any issue featuring Big Barda.

    Good save, that man!

    Also an excellent point. I stand chastised.