Smallvillains 4×6: Transference



This week, the return of Smallville to new episodes was delayed, so after last week’s hatefest, Uzi and I sought comfort in the arms of John Glover with Transference, where Lionel and Clark switch bodies.

Seriously, how many episodes of this show involved people getting possessed by other people and nobody being able to tell that it was the same thing that happened last Tuesday? I’m going to guess “a large percentage of the whole.” Either way, it was pretty enjoyable, mainly because Glover plays Tom Welling like a lamb lost in the woods.

4 thoughts on “Smallvillains 4×6: Transference

  1. Do you know why this week’s episode was delayed? I have to say that Transference episode was really well done. It is one of my favorites. I really like John Glover and he has always done a great job on the show.

  2. Speaking of the love life of the Martha Kent of Earth-CW, look up the wiki entry on Perry White, the Smallville section. I dare you.

  3. On the matter of Clark misusing his powers, I think in the first red kryptonite episode, Clark and Pete are in chem lab and Clark, looking over at Chloe says something like “Hey, Chloe’s got a mole on her cheek.” Pete looks over, starts to say something about her not having a mole, then realizes Clark is checking out her behind with the x-ray vision. But, yeah, Welling is usually more entertaining as a dick.

    Oh, and with regard to the Lionel/Martha thing, that went on for a long time. If I remember correctly, Martha went to work for Lionel after he was rendered blind, and he fell in love with her. Then, being the magnificent bastard he is, he pretended to be blind long after he recovered to keep her around (and mess with Lex).