And Then There Was the Time That Don Martin Wrote the Elongated Man’s Sound Effects

Considering that it’s never actually happened, there’s no telling what sort of noise a man with stretchy limbs bashing three crooks’ heads together would be…



…but I’m pretty sure “KBLONKA–KBLONKA” is the sound of something far more terrifying.


Detective Comics #357, 1966 (which is not really by Don Martin at all)

18 thoughts on “And Then There Was the Time That Don Martin Wrote the Elongated Man’s Sound Effects

  1. another notable elongated man sound effect, as heard whilst killing hawkman: ka-ching ka-ching!

  2. As a kid I used to make this thick piece of rubber strip stretch for a sound effect whenever I played with my Mr Fantastic action figure – until the strip snapped, and I had nightmares afterwards about the same happening to my hero in the comics…

  3. I’m confused. This Elongated Man does not appear to be a rotting zombie. Perhaps they should do something to update him for modern readers.

  4. He gets better leverage because of his ability to stretch, Bunny.

    And because Carmine Infantino’s Elongated Man, as depicted in “Showcase Presents the Elongated Man”, is pure, undiluted awesome on a level that human minds can scarcely comprehend. I try not to be one of those Internet people who imputes malign motives onto comics creators who are generally just trying to do their job and tell good stories, but I have to assume that Brad Meltzer and Dan DiDio and Geoff Johns simply hate joy for what they did to Ralph and Sue.

  5. He gets better leverage because of his ability to stretch

    Sure, I’ll buy that. It doesn’t make a lick of sense, given how “leverage” works, but I try not to think too hard about the physics of super powers.

  6. Physics is for pussies.

    Blasphemy! Death to the heathen who has maligned our god, Science! Death to him and his cousins, and his cousin’s cousins, unto seven iterations! We must extirpate this heretical science-hating gene of yours!

  7. I seem to remember that Don Martin’s actual sound effect for a rubbery super-hero stretching is geeeeeng.

  8. I believe that KBLONKA-KBLONKA is either the name of a character from Street Fighter, or a Stargate SG1 Unas saying ‘no’ to you.

    You decide.

  9. I think Power Girl should inherit this sound effect. Not while bashing heads, but all the time. Just go ahead and carry the boob thing to an absurd end.

  10. This reminds me of a sound effect from a bad porno, right after the music clip “Bow chicka-bow-bow”

    (Big delivery guy: Did someone order a washing machine?
    Small, robe-clad housewife: Oh, we did, but my husband took the checkbook. How will I EVER pay for it?
    KBLONKA–KBLONKA right on the new washing machine)

    THAT’S keepin’ it real.

  11. Wouldn’t my cousin’s cousin just be me again?

    No. Your cousin has two sets of cousins, and so do you, on your mother’s side and your father’s side.

  12. You know, that thought never occurred to me, probably because I’ve only got cousins on my father’s side.