He Came From the Future… To Rock the Past!

As you might expect, my evenings are usually spent in front of the computer, searching desperately for a new joke to make about Jimmy Olsen, but apparently, I’ve been getting out at night a lot more than I think.

That, at least, is the idea that I got from noted raconteur Dave Lartigue, who sent the following email out to a few of us on the Comics Blogger Internet circuit:


Subject: Chris Sims appeared to me in a dream

No foolin. And he had this character, though sometimes it was a character for a superhero RPG and sometimes it was for a music video for a band (not the guy, apparently) named Vanderslice.

The character did not have a name that I know of, but it was described thusly: Half-Cowboy, Half-Indian, All Robot. Despite “all robot” it looks human except for a robot clow for a right hand. From the waist up he’s dressed in a movie cowboy outfit — hat, bolo tie, etc. Waist down it’s a loincloth and sandals.


Yes, apparently, the Master Plan for Total Internet Domination now extends well into the subconscious mind.

Of course, that would just be a crazy dream, but the story doesn’t quite end there. See, right after I read the email, I remembered that I’d seen something written on the legal pad I keep on my bedside table, just in case I get any ideas while I’m too lazy to actually get up. So I went back into my room, almost terrified of what I might find. But why?

I mean, it was all a dream, right?


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