24 thoughts on “Shut Up, Halo

  1. I didn’t get the joke until the end – I thought the comic actually said that. I thought you had discovered the best comic book in history, but instead you just created it.

  2. Interestingly enough, I think the exact thing everytime I read an issue in that book. Best random buy I’ve gotten in a while. Well, outside of Halo, that is.

  3. I like the one story where the foreign prince wanted a Halo statue and then they finally discover that he is talking about a telephone … Halo Statue? (cuz that is what he would say when the telephone rang.)

  4. “Boom. You just got Bruce’d.”

    If only my name was Bruce. Then I could use that line sometime today.

  5. Ditto for Looker.

    And I’m someone with an affection for the original Outsiders. I did a 15-part series on Geo-Force on my blog. But I never warmed up to Looker. There’s no greater confluence of awesome powers, annoying character and terrible costume.

  6. I thought that you could do the same with Geo-Force, then I remembered : no one ever speaks to him.

  7. This is why Sims needs to write for Batman.

    That and the surfeit of battery-tossing that would appear in those pages.

  8. I have a confession to make- I was actually very fond of Looker when I used to have a subscription to the Outsiders as a child. A crush, even.

    I guess it must have been similar to how a child might see a hooker with too much make-up and gaudy clothes and remark- “Ohhhh, Look at the pretty lady.”

    I don’t care if she’s got no taste, and she makes Alan Scott’s Harlequin look like a sensible dresser, I’ll always love my Looker.

    And for what it’s worth, she was in that cool team-up with Batman that time when they fought three or four Clayfaces “The Mudpact”.

    -Citizen Scribbler

  9. Hmm. I thought BATO was awesome before. You just made it SUPER-AWESOME.

    My humble thanks.

  10. Anybody else bothered that Halo’s color powers don’t come out in Showcase? I wonder if the GL books suffer as a result of the black and white format.

    If you’re gonna abuse anybody, how about Black Lightning with the Gheri Curl hair near the end of the second Outsiders series?

  11. The creepiest thing ever (almost creepier than Superman and Supergirl marriage speculation) is the storyline involving Geo-Force and Halo. You guys know which one I mean.

    Halo was the anti-Kitty Pryde.

  12. I wonder if the GL books suffer as a result of the black and white format.

    Considering that Green Lantern is going to let you know in excruciating detail every time he runs up against something that’s yellow, no.

    They do suffer, however, from being terrible.

  13. The ick factor about all the grown men who had a thing for Halo never really struck me because she’s always drawn as an adult. A rather dim adult, but an adult nonetheless.

    Of course that’s just another aspect of her being the Anti-Kitty Pride, the eternal sixteen year old.

  14. Wow, Jason! That pic is pretty awesome (not to mention funny). Thanks for sharing it.

    -Citizen Scribbler

  15. Kitty’s not eternally sixteen, she was made legal in her last appearance so she could dispel the rumors about Colossus. Then she went for a ride on a moon-sized dildo – which, amazingly, is not in any way a metaphor.

  16. I think the clincher is the “Excellent!” in panel one. Someone off-panel doesn’t like Halo much either.

  17. I’ve never read a comic with Halo in it that I know of, but I do have some fondness for Looker based on that Mudpact story. Which is the only appearance of hers I’ve ever read. Oh, and this was hilarious.