15 thoughts on “This Christmas, It’s Important To Remember One Thing

  1. I’ve told the women in my family several times that I will not decorate the Christmas tree. This is because I see nothing wrong with Betty’s quick, efficient method.

  2. The tree’s not the only lopsided thing there. I think Betty’s been taking the same hormone treatments as Rob Liefeld’s Captain America.

  3. Considering how many of those baubles actually hung onto the branches vs the few that fell on the floor, she has got some mad skillz.

  4. Well, this is the way all the Whos down in Whoville decorate their tree, so there’s actually Christmas Precedent.

    So stop lookin’ so slack-jawed gap-y, Archibald J. Andrews.

  5. Betty understands that the aphorism “any job worth doing is doing well” is crap. She half-asses and rushes that which is trivial, such as trimming Christmas trees, to ensure that she has as much time as possible to devote to the important things in life: getting her freak on, homicidal jealous rages, and getting her freak on.

    The woman has priorities.

  6. I am SO using “Christmas Precedent” like 15 times today. Thank you, Bully.

    I also enjoy the Archie strip where the boys arse it all up, so Ronnie pulls out a second tree and decorations for her and Betty to do right.

  7. Since I know El Generico quite well, allow me just to say that a homicidal, jealous stalker who practices throwing streamers by decorating her Christmas tree, pretty much describes El Generico’s female fan base.

    Kevin Steen’s wife on the other hand is SMOKING HOTT. (And a really nice person – apparently opposites do in fact attract.)

  8. Kevin Steen’s the second nicest guy in ROH, right after Necro Butcher, who reacted with the unabashed glee of a six year old on Christmas when I shared a plate of onion rings with him after a show last July, then hung out with me an my friend for an hour chatting about Mickey Rourke, Star Wars and how much he hates Sarah Palin.

    Necro Butcher is the coolest guy in wrestling.

  9. If you’ve got it, flaunt it Betty.
    Hubba Hubba, we also know why Arch is staring wide-eyed and with a gaping expression