22 thoughts on “Silver Age Stories That Are Significantly Less Erotic Than Their Titles Would Imply, v.1

  1. I dunno, I bet you can think of at least a few people you know who’d find those issues at least as, if not more, erotic than the tiles imply (I know I can). Some of them will probably commenting shortly…

  2. If you’re not getting erotica out of all your comic books, you just aren’t trying hard enough.

  3. What about “This Man, This Giant Cock Made of Rock”?

    Always thought there was a little innuendo going on with that one or something, but I could be wrong. Who knows?

  4. “Forgetting” and “ignoring because the joke, if it ever was funny, is anti-humor now” are two different things.

  5. Ah camahn. It’s old as hell, but you gotta admit that “Giant-Size Man Thing” in itself is pretty funny.


    What about “The Savage Sword of Conan?”

    I don’t see anything about the Iron Fist in that selection.

    Wow, those are all great suggestions! If any of them were actually from the Silver Age or actually story titles, I’d be sure to use them!

  7. “Forgetting” and “ignoring because the joke, if it ever was funny, is anti-humor now” are two different things.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I “proudly” present:


  8. LOL why didn’t you mention Watchmen.

    or face it tiger you just hit the jackpot..

    like the jackpot’s her boobs

  9. I read through thinking it was all supposed to be one story with a title composed of other titles.

  10. Christ, Chris, if it weren’t for the fact that you’re such a raging misogynist, I’d think your comments section had been invaded by scans_daily!

  11. You’d need a whole section on “The Rawhide Kid,” wouldn’t you? I mean, “He shares his saddle with danger.”