18 thoughts on “BATMAN

  1. Billy Mitchell has always struck me as a logical candidate for Batman’s Rogues Gallery. (Following the requisite disfigurement, of course.)

  2. And if anybody wants to see, there’s an Arkham Asylum kill-screen coming up.

    Because with Batman, EVERY screen is an Arkham Asylum kill-screen!

  3. requisite disfigurement

    Isn’t the mullet enough? (Or did he cut that? I don’t remember.) If not, I suggest falling into a vat of hot sauce, Joker-style.

  4. I’ve not seen King of Kong, but I take it Billy Mitchell’s the one the editor decided to cast as the villain?

  5. skizelo, Billy Mitchell was cast as the hero, as far as I know (I’ve not seen it), but he’s a pretty huge jackass in real life.

  6. Y’see, I took a look at the panel and thought “Final Fight”. Bats would fit right in with the rest of the Metro City degenerates. Plus, Mike Haggar.

  7. If anyone has not read the King of Kong articles on the avclub.com, they are pretty great. Billy Mitchell himself makes an unplanned appearance to defend himself and his actions.

  8. According to the director, Billy does come off as the heel in King of Kong, but they claim that wasn’t intentional when they went in. Supposedly they toned down his asshattery, that there were scenes or events that would have made him look even worse, but they weren’t relevant to the film per se and were cut.