Reviews Forthcoming

Normally, Thursday nights belong to the Week In Ink, but tonight was the special, extra-sized last meeting of the Comics Club, and I’m honestly worn out, so reviews’ll be up tomorrow.

For tonight, please enjoy these, the greatest Archie panels of all time:



Yes. It’s a saga.



31 thoughts on “Reviews Forthcoming

  1. So does it end like that classic moment in Lady and the Tramp with the spaghetti? I’d never considered the existence of Archie/Jughead slash fiction before. I’m not sure I wasn’t better off not having considered it.

  2. For dessert, I assume they shared a banana split with a side of really obvious homoeroticism.

    Did they ever even consider cutting the hot dog in half? They were able to find a guy to give them a count down to eat, but they couldn’t find a knife?

  3. I like how Chuck has his name on his shirt, so e don’t confuse the only black man in Riverdale with, say, Moose.

    I’d think trying to beat Jughead in an eating completion would be like racing a meat grinder. Is the third panel Arch marveling at his ruined hands?

  4. Wait a minute — if they’d agreed to share it, why is Chuck giving them a countdown? I thought this was going to be homoerotic cooperation, not competition.

    Also: “Hot dogs have ALWAYS played a big role …in the life of Riverdale”? Always? I don’t know enough about the history of Riverdale to comment but that strikes me as an overly ambitious thesis statement in a freshmen comp essay. “Since the beginning of time, man has needed paper.” Hotdogs/Riverdale – their historical connection is what, precisely?

  5. I’d pass this off if not for Jughead’s eyes in the first panel. Kinda like the Veronica we saw on ISB awhile back.

  6. “… like the time Jug and I agreed to share a humongous 18 inch hot dog!”

    That’s just crying out to be prefaced by “Dear Penthouse Forum, I’m a a student at a small Midwestern college…”

  7. Didn’t Jughead have a dog named Hot Dog ? Yeah, maybe its best not to know about Riverdale and their history with 18 inch frankfurters.

  8. The next panel is the two of them laying in bed, sweaty with clothes piled up on the floor and Archie saying “Wow, just wow …”

    Or was that Buffy … Riverdale, Sunnydale … I get them mixed up.

  9. I like the fact that all you can see of Chuck’s shirt is the word “HUCK”, which is also slang for vomiting.

    It would have been scarier if the Hot Dog they were ‘sharing’ was a certain canine in Riverdale.


  10. Archie doesn’t even have the hot dog in his mouth in the 2nd panel. That chomping is all Jughead. The man is insatiable.

  11. In the last panel it looks like Archie is forcing the 18-inch sausage… into… Jughead’s…. mouth….

  12. Wow. You found something more disturbing than all of those Tarot comics. Jim Balent wrote this, didn’t he? I guess you cropped the panel of Cher singing “If I Could Turn Back Time.”

    I will never be able to unsee this.

  13. Chasing Amy, anyone?

    “Archie and Jughead were lovers. Archie was the bitch and Jughead’s the butch. That’s why Jughead wear that crown-lookin’ hat all the time; ‘cuz he the KING of Queen Archie’s world.”

  14. When I saw Archie and Jughead looking at each other over the hot dog, I was hoping it would be followed by that picture of Hall and Oates.

  15. I’m forced to recall some fan made Punisher movie where the antagonist was a mobster whose mobster alias was “the Sausage.” So you had the guy playing Punisher doing his best to be ultra badass . . . saying things like “I -want- the Sausage,” or “I -need- the Sausage.”

  16. I don’t think it’s as bad as you think, Chris. In that last panel, it looks like Archie’s forcing the hot dog down Jughead’s throat.

    So it’s only attempted murder.

  17. PS:

    In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate, yet equally important, groups:

    * Guys who handle down sausage-related domestic violence.

    * Everybody else.

  18. This is made even more bizarre in that this was a sight-gag on “The Colbert Report” (involving Stephen and GWB) at about the same time that this was posted!

  19. “Also: “Hot dogs have ALWAYS played a big role …in the life of Riverdale”? Always? I don’t know enough about the history of Riverdale to comment but that strikes me as an overly ambitious thesis statement in a freshmen comp essay. “Since the beginning of time, man has needed paper.” Hotdogs/Riverdale – their historical connection is what, precisely?”

    Maybe Riverdale is home to a massive hot dog manufacturing plant and bun bakery that collectively employ the majority of the population. All owned by Mr. Lodge of course…