The Worst of Netflix: Super Capers



This week, I’m getting a head start;

This week, I’m heading across the country for San Diego’s Comic-Con International, and while I’ve never been before, I’m pretty sure that after I spend five days in one gigantic room with a hundred and twenty thousand other nerds, I’m going to be pretty sick of super-heroes. That’s why I figured I’d give myself a head start by getting sick of them now with Super Capers, one of the few super-hero flicks on Netflix to hit the coveted single star.

Seriously. Even Batman and Robin managed to scrape up two and a half.

The Worst of Netflix on More painful than a speeding bullet!

4 thoughts on “The Worst of Netflix: Super Capers

  1. You’ll probably mention this before you leave, but what the hell: what will you be doing at CCI? I went last year . . . even wrote about it. Sadly, it’s 3,000 miles away from where I am, so I can’t make it every year. Will you have enough dough to make the trip to NYCC in October?

  2. Covering it for ComicsAlliance. Mostly doing video content, but whatever comes up while I’m there.

    I’m not sure about NYCC, but I’d like to go!

  3. Wow, glad I didn’t watch this one… when you are comparing it to Batman and Robin and saying THAT was a better movie, you know you’re in trouble.

  4. …the jokes are secondhand Arnold Schwarzenegger references that are actually just recycled punchlines from Saturday Night Live sketches that were popular twenty years before this movie were made…

    Ain’t America grand? This is the state of main-stream comedy in the USA.