Nunchucks? More Like FUN-chucks!

As regular ISB readers already know from seeing Kate Holden’s brilliant artistic interpretation of them last week, my post on Batman’s nunchucks made of sharks has inspired greatness.

What you might not know unless you’ve been going through the comments, however, is that Kate’s drawing itself inspired even more people to take up the pencil. In the few days since I posted her piece, I’ve gotten two more from ISB readers, including Ley Howell‘s shot at refining the Bat-Chuks for swampy adventures with reptilian deadliness…



… and Andrew Bates’ Aparo-inspired throwback to the greatest page of all time…



…and I gotta admit: I want to see more. So you know what that means.

That’s right folks, it’s the End-Of-Summer Spectacular you’ve been waiting for with another ISB Contest! Because really, I haven’t given anything away since Bring It On Week, and that seems like a cheerlifetime ago.

The rules, as always, are simple: Just get out your pencils, pens, crayons, MSPaint or other artistic media and draw a picture of Batman using nunchucks that are made out of something from which nunchucks are not normally made, then send it to me at the address in the sidebar or link to it in the comments section below by 11:59 PM Eastern Time, Friday, September 19, 2008. I’ll pick and announce the winner on Saturday based on radness, and then mail the lucky artist a Fabulous Prize Package consisting of:

One (1) copy of Teenagers From The Future, signed by me, and…

Some (some) other crap that I’ve got laying around that I think would make good prizes.

And that’s pretty much it. Now get to making some user-generated free content awesome entries!

(NOTE: Sometimes, comments with links in them–especially ones with multiple links–get flagged by WordPress as spam, but I’m checking the Spam Queue every now and then to make sure I don’t miss any. If yours doesn’t show up and you desperately need it to, just shoot me an email about it.)

60 thoughts on “Nunchucks? More Like FUN-chucks!

  1. If I could draw, I’d enter Adam West Batman swinging nunchucks made out of twin Burgess Meredith Penguins.

    It would be the greatest drawing in the history of drawings.

    It’s pretty much a good thing for the world of art collecting that I can’t draw. Otherwise the Louvre would be full of worthless canvas.

  2. Since I can’t draw worth a dime, my entry is for Balahctus’ Hulk dialogue contest from last December:

    “Hulk renovate!” as he smashes through someone’s house.

  3. Mister Sims: Do the drawings have to be good? I mean, I have an idea, and could at least make something look tangentially like my idea, but it won’t be a high-quality drawing by any means.

  4. Do the drawings have to be good?

    Uh, you’ve seen my drawings, right?

    Nope, actual artistic skill is not a necessity. It doesn’t hurt matters if it is, but just like my annual 30 Second Recap Contest, the rule I’m keeping in mind is “it doesn’t have to be good, it just has to be awesome.”

  5. I get the feeling that even the ISB’s vaunted tolerance for animal violence is about to be tested. At least if I have anything to say about it, it will!

  6. I am excessively happy to have been involved in starting an internet meme that involves people drawing Batman armed with nunchucks made from random crap.

  7. OK, so who’s going to draw Batman with nunchucks made out of smaller Batmen, who in turn are holding nunchucks of yet smaller Batman, etc., etc., until the last Batmen are holding nunchucks made of turtles?

  8. Dammit, now all I can think about is that moment in Kung-Pow: Enter the Fist where Odenkirk screams “I need gopherchuks!”

  9. So great. Are we limited to one entry apiece? Or can we submit as many pairs of nunchuks as we can think of?

  10. I just thought Chris’ legos and Kate’s drawing were so funny…I was trying to explain it to my husband and couldn’t stop laughing. Especially when his only comment was, “how do the sharks survive?” After I sketched out the gatorchuck picture, his comment? “Well, we can mark this down as the day you officially lost it.”

  11. I can draw, but I’m sure not to enter due to busyness and laziness. I think a good entry would be: Batman with nunchucks made of other, smaller Batmen.

  12. “..Batman using nunchucks that are made out of something from which nunchucks are not normally made..”

    Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner.

  13. I took an informal poll at work. No one chose the shark-chuks. Everyone thought Batman having car batteries-chuks was way cooler.

  14. Can I compete with any of these other entries on pure awesomeness? No. Can I at least wow people with my art? Of course not. Can I do a drawing that stands on its own without captions or a word balloon? Turns out, not so much.

    But can I come up with an idea so stupid that people genuinely worry about me? I honestly think so!

    I present Batman with nunchuks made of that “Cliff Hangers” guy from “The Price is Right.” Or, if you prefer, yodelchuks.

  15. I’d suggest doing another round “X-in-30-seconds” but honestly, I’m not sure there’s enough plot in Secret Invasion to fill all that time

  16. I just now realized that one of the urchuks/orphanchuks is throwing the horns. It makes me happy imagining the one in the foreground is saying “Please, sir, I’m terribly sorry” and the other one is saying “Ya betta RECOGNIZE!”

    And thanks for the kind words!

  17. Haha, that Godzilla one is NICE. I was going to make a similar one with Unicron and Cybertron, but didn’t.