Good Ol’ Fashioned Nightmare Fuel: The Bettopus



The Bettopus is a current look between Betty Cooper and Marine Life. It means “Horrifying!”



BONUS FEATURE: Be Careful What You Ask For


From the coments:

LaRue Says:

Y’know what’d be even more truly horrifying? Bettopus vs. Insect Queen.

Oh really.



27 thoughts on “Good Ol’ Fashioned Nightmare Fuel: The Bettopus

  1. Y’know what’d be even more truly horrifying? Bettopus vs. Insect Queen. Drawn by Jim Balent.


  2. Me, I want to see Archie Comics publish a Goth Bettopus One-Shot. I know this makes me a bad person.

  3. *ahem*

  4. There are words to describe what I’m feeling, but they are written in a dead language and hidden from prying eyes who may wish to resurrect the dark times.

  5. Aw heck, Bettopus isn’t so bad. It’s just Squiddly Diddly in drag, for heaven’s sake.

    AntBetty, on the other hand, will come to devour me in my nightmares. Look at her. Those are the cold, predatory eyes of a being who mates, then kills.

  6. Today’s challenge: find at least four pieces of porn about the Bettopus on the internet. You can’t make your own.

    Knowing the internet as we all do, I expect it should take you about fourteen seconds. Twenty, if you disallow photoshopped pictures.

  7. I assume the blonde hair is so that you can tell her apart from Veronopus when they’re shooting the pool scene? You know, like no-name porn stars have to wear a little bit of jewelry so they’re readily distinguishable whilst writhing about?

  8. AntBetty, on the other hand, will come to devour me in my nightmares. Look at her. Those are the cold, predatory eyes of a being who mates, then kills.
    So how is she different from regular Betty?
    Sorry. Cheap joke, couldn’t resist.

  9. Generally, the ISB has me freaking out in a good way.

    With this post, I am freaking out. Not in a good way, though.

  10. Apparently, Riverdale is a Lovecraftian hovel, a tad brighter then Innsmouth or Dunwich, to be sure. But still reeking of degenerate cults dedicated to Dagon and Cthulhu, where amphibious and amorphous beings lurk in the guises of human beauty. Ia! Ia!

  11. The thing that disturbs me most about this pic is the tentacle holding the broom and how that all works.
    Although it’s somewhat more disturbing that I’m more put off by wonky art than Bettopus in general…

  12. Hey, Ant!Betty! Know what else is a tight squeeze? Your mom!

    And I should know!

    Because I banged her! Like a screen door!