14 thoughts on “Friday Night Fights: Boxing Day In Riverdale

  1. Peasent?


    Do I detect a better class of exchange student at Riverdale High?.

    “I say, spot of class warfare, what what, just the thing to sort the toffs from the riff-raf, haw haw. I boxed for Oxford don’tcha know, take that you horrid oik”.

  2. I’m reminded of the first homework assignment in Fight Club, start a fight with a stranger and lose it.

    Archie could totally have taken “other dude”. He’s a biter.

  3. Archie could totally have taken “other dude”. He’s a biter.

    Two panels later, no lie, Ms. Grundy says “you could’ve taken him with one hand tied behind your back.”

  4. Man, look at that swing and chin-explosion…pure lavender.

    That’s either incredibly wussy or mind-bogglingly badass. Given that Archie’s shattered corpse did not smash through the walls of the high school, it must have been the former.

  5. I have been waiting to see that for YEARS. It’s about time somebody took that arrogant bastard down a peg, even if he appears to be volunteering for abuse. I hope he wasn’t punched in the jaw while sticking his tongue out, however, as the results would be horrifying.

  6. Hmmm… that rich kid doesn’t look so rich, on closer inspection. His red pirate coat appears to be trimmed in black roadkill – echidna, by the looks of it. His line SHOULD’VE read “Why you grubby peasant! Take your dirty hand off my filthy arm!”

  7. Is that guy one of the Bush grandchildren?

    Nah… They hire others to sucker-punch America’s Oldest Teenager.

  8. Such violence. And delivered to Archie by some no name in purple pants and an old lady coat. If he was looking to get his ass whupped Archie could have singled out someone a little tougher looking.