IDW’s Dungeons & Dragons Comic Is Amazing. Seriously.



Today at ComicsAlliance, I’ve written up a review of why John Rogers and Andrea Di Vito’s Dungeons & Dragons comic is seriously one of the best adventure stories on the stands today. I don’t want to spoil anything, but it has a lot to do with panels like the ones above.

If you haven’t read it, give it a shot — the the hardcover of the first arc is solicited this month, and the second story kicks off today. It’s seriously great, and well worth the $15 on Amazon or DCBS.

Ask Chris #49: D&D With Super-Heroes



This week — and I make no exaggeration when I say this — I have provided you with the absolute nerdiest Ask Chris of all time, as I write 1500 words about which super-heroes would (and wouldn’t) be awesome to play D&D with.

Since I was limited to five characters (four basic classes, plus DM, plus me), I ended up leaving Jimmy Olsen (Bard with a Ring of Djinni Calling) out of the final lineup, but on the bright side, I was able to find an actual panel of Spider-Man hanging out with knights and wizards and fighting a dragon. Bless you, Spidey Super Stories.

Help, My Half-Elf Is Pregnant!



Despite the fact that we share a name, I am not the Chris Sims who has worked as a game designer for Dungeons and Dragons and other roleplaying games, even though I have on occasion gotten email meant for him. I do, however, love that goofy game to pieces (which makes me wonder what The Other Chris Sims thinks about Batman), and that’s why I was keenly interested when pal Mike Sterling pointed me to an archive of 680 questions and answers from Dragon magazine’s “Sage Advice” column.

Some of them, as you might expect if you’ve ever played the game, are downright bizarre, which is why today, I’ve gathered up the 11 best D&D questions ever asked over at ComicsAlliance, where the Sage tackled everything from paladin marriage, pregnant adventurers and just what you have to use to “touch” someone for a spell.

Also, there’s one joke in there that I am inordinately proud of. I know, I know: Big surprise.

ComicsAlliance Fights a Dragon: Life-Sized D&D at the New York Comic-Con



Back at the New York Comic-Con, Wizards of the Coast was running a demo to teach people the basics of Dungeons & Dragons. This is not unusual. What is unusual is that they were doing so on a life-size grid, complete with basketball-sized d20s and a guy waving a cardboard cutout of a dragon at the players.

It was awesome.

I went through it of course, along with Benjamin Birdie, Jen Vaughn and David Wolkin, and we got the whole thing on video at ComicsAlliance for your viewing pleasure! You will believe a man can pretend to fight a dragon!