FunkyWatch: Tom Batiuk’s Most Depressing Strips For November



Today at ComicsAlliance, I’m back to keeping track of the month’s most depressing Funky Winkerbean strips, but this time around there’s one slight difference: I’ve expanded to cover the relentlessly horrible Crankshaft, too!

So head on over and check out the boundless despair! Unless you’ve got that Seasonal Affective Disorder. In that case, you may want to either buy an extra lamp, or just wait ’til March to check these out.

5 thoughts on “FunkyWatch: Tom Batiuk’s Most Depressing Strips For November

  1. Two Punisher comics coming out the same day mentioning IED’s? Sure. Two Tom Batiuk comic strips comingg out the same day mentioning IED’s? Must admit I didn’t see that coming. In retrospect I should have seen it coming, but I didn’t.

  2. I’m calling it. This comic strip will, at some point in the future, consist only of a picture of a guy weeping softly into his cornflakes.

  3. And in the spirit of Funky Winkerbean, here’s the Depressive Choir:

    We wish you a Sorry Christmas
    We wish you a Sorry Christmas
    We wish you a Sorry Christmas
    And a Year of Despair!

  4. Remember when it was about pizza, gym class?
    Its weird when I was younger I used to read Funky and it reflected the good times of the 1990s. Now everyone is grown up in the weird times of the 2000s, and got depressing. I mean sans superficial gadgets, you have to admit things have been bleak for the last 10 years.