It’s New Comics Day at the Action Age!

In lieu of fresh ISB content today, direct your eyes to the Action Age of Comics for the first four pages of Impossible! #1, by Chad Bowers and Chris Nye!


Click here to read it!


Impossible is the story of Jon Raymond, a pulp-style adventurer in a world of super-villains who retired years ago to a life of solitude. Now, something’s bringing him back… and it’s not gonna be good.

Those of you who are regulars around the comics scene here in the Southeast might remember Impossible from when Chad and Chris first cooked it up a few years ago, releasing it as a full-length comic book to local success and high praise, including a favorable review by the Comics Buyer’s Guide’s Tony Isabella! Now, for those of you who didn’t get to see it the first time, Chad’s remastered it and over the next few weeks, we’ll be serializing it at the Action Age.

So head over there, check it out, and let us know if you’re ready to believe… the Impossible!

6 thoughts on “It’s New Comics Day at the Action Age!

  1. I enjoyed that. Not enough action though to really fit into what I’ve always felt the Action Age’s publishing… (what’s the publishers equivilent of oeuvre? Is there a word that means something like that?) to be. Then again, I guess different rules apply to republishing classics. The action probably picks up, right?

  2. Glad you enjoyed it, E.

    Yeah, it does pick up a little, but you’re right in that it doesn’t quite fit into the Action Age mission statement as we know it today.

    Rest assured, Monster Plus, Solomon Stone, and The Hard Ones, in accordance with Article 7 of the Articles of Actionology, each have at least one scene where someone explodes to death.