Santa Claus: The ComicsAlliance Exclusive Interview



For someone who doesn’t consider himself much of an interviewer, I’ve been handed some pretty neat conversations by ComicsAlliance. Jeff Parker, Gorilla Man, Eddie Argos, and now, the Interview to top all Interviews: Santa Claus himself, talking about Santa Claus vs. the Martians.

Series writer Benito Cereno is also involved, so join us as we discuss Krampus, Black Peters, those naughty martians, and of course, Batman. And Merry Christmas!

3 thoughts on “Santa Claus: The ComicsAlliance Exclusive Interview

  1. Christ Chris – Christmas!?!

    It’s still only the end of September. Let Halloween go by first at least.

    Perhaps we’ll get an interview with the Easter Bunny next week? :) :) :)

    Also, why is Santa sporting the bare-chested look? Wouldn’t he get a bit chilly up at the north pole? In that green robe, he looks like he’s just got out of the bath or something and letting it all hang out.