58 thoughts on “What I Did At Work Today

  1. There’s a book on the shelves right now about Marvel Vampire Apes.

    I can’t help but think that you’re saying this like it’s a bad thing.

    And yes. I have a pitch ready to go.

  2. Question:

    Is Hobo-Spidey’s beard coming out of his mask? Actually, it’s probably just webbing since Peter Parker seems like the kind of guy who can’t grow facial hair.

  3. Totally OT, but please tell me I wasn’t the only one thinking of this blog and guffawing at the bear wielding raccoonunchuks on The Simpson’s last night.

  4. Where’s the Cpt. America hobo? Hobo Iron Man killed him, in a fight over a half-bottle of Night Train. Don’t get between Hobo Iron Man and his booze, man.

  5. Totally OT, but please tell me I wasn’t the only one thinking of this blog and guffawing at the bear wielding raccoonunchuks on The Simpson’s last night.

    You weren’t the only one.

  6. Wow, Thor has a much smaller weiner than I imagined.

    Not that I imagine Thor’s weiner often.

    Well hell… he’s a God, what do you want?????

  7. I can’t stop thinking about what role the Punisher would play in this strange world… Railroad bull? Strikebreaker? Hobo serial killer? Non-hobo serial killer of hobos? G-man? Bank Robber? Folk Singer? All that and more?

  8. No, Hobo-Spidey would be on the streets asking for spare webbing since he’s all out and can’t make anymore, ya know?

    I do love how Thor is very grumpy about his predicament.

  9. Yes, Marvel Hobos should be the new Marvel Apes which is the new Marvel Zombies.

    Damn, I’d love to see Hobo Variants of, like Spider-Man swiging all Amazing Fantasy style but with a torn up costume and a bindle over his shoulder…

    Come on Marvel, seize the zeitgeist!

  10. “Chris Sims is nothing more than a poor man’s Dave Campbell.”
    –Noted Art critic ROM the Spaceknight before punching a whole through the gallery wall in a moment of anger and frustration.

  11. Hobo Captain America has his shield out catching spare change with his sign “World War II Veteran, Please Help”,

    Hobo Daredevil has a sign “Blind: Pencils 5 cents”

    Hobo Dr. Doom has changed his dream from ‘King of the World’ to ‘King of the Road’…

    what an amazing world that would be. this MUST happen.

  12. Hang on, Spidey has a pineapple on the end of a stick.

    And Tony is resting his head on a huge peice of Swiss cheese.

    Pinapple and swiss cheese?

    I smell a coctail party coming on.


  13. Sleestak Says:

    Spider-Man would be hobo-king because of his ability to catch pigeons for dinner in his webs.

    I had a comment all ready to go about how Spidey has grown a beard in Kraven’s Last Hunt and again during the two weeks Normon Osborn had him tied up when he came back from the dead, but this post completely broke my train of though.

  14. Just imagine how many bags a She-Hulk bag lady could carry!

    Or Wolverine digging peaches out of a can with his claws.

    Or even a hobo Magneto, stealing change and silverware with his powers.

    The possibilities are endless. I would so read this. Well done, Chris! Everybody else’s contributions are highly amusing as well.

  15. I assume that like Marvel Zombies that Marvel Hobos takes place in a parallel Earth. Possibly one where the federal bailout package never gets passed.

  16. You need to do what Marvel do now and redo classic covers but with hobo versions of all the heroes, like they did with Zombies…and Skrulls…and probably now Apes (I have given up even looking, I really have)

  17. The Silver Slummer! Rider of the Railways!

    I kind of imagine everyone just sounds like Tom Waits.

  18. The splitting point could be the issue where the Fantastic Four get kicked out of the Baxter Building.

    It would lead to hoboing as the heroic profession.

    Hobo Ant Man could live for weeks on one can of beans!

  19. Can the world survive the menace of Boxcar Thor, “Stinky” Pete Parker, and Iron Wino? All of the world’s spare change would be panhandled within 2 days tops.

  20. You need to do what Marvel do now and redo classic covers but with hobo versions of all the heroes, like they did with Zombies

    Kate, of the two of us, one has actual artistic talent. The other doodles hobo heroes on a clipboard during meetings.

  21. Willie Lumpkin is the Nick Fury of the Hobo-world, and Iron Fist is just a guy with a prosthetic hand.

  22. If I had it my way, there would be a Marvel version of Emperor of the North with Red Skull in the Ernest Borgnine role and Cap as Lee Marvin.

  23. Holy Crap! I think I’ve actually figured out how to do this. Not like “Ego, the Living Hobo-Planet” (which would essentially look like ordinary Ego, but with a planet-sized top hat that the top was missing from), but actual Bonnie-and-Clyde, “Grapes of Wrath” dustbowl-era action in the Mighty Marvel Manner! Quick hint: A red, white, and blue guitar that says “This Machine Kills Fascists.” Call me Marvel, let’s move some paper.

  24. Have you seen the sudden revival of the hobo image? I think it owes much credit to the osmotic effect of this cartoon.

    Fantastic likeness of Robert Downey Jr.

  25. The Hulk spent the better part of his early career as a hobo. He even rode rails and ate beans at a hobo campfire.

  26. HA! Hulk chewing the stump of an old stogey sitting next to a sign that says:

    “Will smash for food”.