Ask Chris #54: Just Call It “Ask Chris About Batman” Already



In this week’s Ask Chris, I go over the history and reasons of one of the most important and immutable aspects of Batman: Why he doesn’t kill. Except for all those times he definitely did.

This marks the third week in a row and four times out of the last five columns that I’ve ended up focusing on my favorite character, and at this point, even I’m getting sick of how Chris Sims thinks he’s soooooo smart and knows sooooo much about Batman. Seriously, eff that guy. So next week: No Batman Questions. This is my promise.

Well. Unless I get a really good one.

6 thoughts on “Ask Chris #54: Just Call It “Ask Chris About Batman” Already

  1. You’re abstaining from discussing Batman next Friday? Are you sure that’s healthy? How long can you go without talking about Batman before you explode?

  2. I mostly wonder about all those dudes he punches in the head. Cause if you’re hitting someone hard enough to knock them out, you’re pretty much punching them hard enough to kill them. There really isn’t that much of a dividing line there.

    I also wonder how half these guys don’t get their convictions thrown out by any reasonable judge.

    And also with the whole Batman Inc one why one of those guys he punched in the head or dangled out a window or bataranged in the face or all that stuff AzBat did hasn’t sued him.

    I’m probably better off not wondering about these things.

    You should talk about One Piece.

    One Piece is pretty awesome.

  3. Batman punching a guy hard enough to knock him out is not Batman punching a guy hard enough to kill him. He trained for YEARS to know exactly where that line is, and hit just a fraction less than lethal.

  4. That’s why so many dudes totally die in MMA fights. My friend Corey’s 7 and 0 and also wanted in 5 states… for murrrrrrrrderrrrrrr!!!

    Also, manga is for squares.