Atomic Elbow #4


I don’t think I ever posted about this here on the ISB, but for those of you who enjoy a) professional wrestling and b) my writing, you might want to snag a copy of The Atomic Elbow #4. TAE is a pro wrestling fanzine edited by Robert Newsome, one of the fine fellows who puts on the Fluke minicomics convention down in Athens, which Chad and I will be appearing at in April. It’s a great little mag, and in the fifth issue, I wrote a big article on WCW’s Great American Bash 1992.

As for why I wanted to write about a relatively obscure wrestling event from 20 years ago, well, it has to do with the fact that I really, really wanted to see it when I was a kid, but never got to, so my mom ended up ordering the Pay-Per-View and describing it to me over the phone while I was in another state. For the article, I went back and watched it to see how it stacked up with my mom’s play-by-play.

There’s also an interview with Jill Thompson about wrestling, a report on Chikara, a chat with Chuck Taylor and some other stuff. You can grab it for five bucks, and even though the first three issues don’t have me in them, they’re well worth reading too.

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