Atomic Elbow #4


I don’t think I ever posted about this here on the ISB, but for those of you who enjoy a) professional wrestling and b) my writing, you might want to snag a copy of The Atomic Elbow #4. TAE is a pro wrestling fanzine edited by Robert Newsome, one of the fine fellows who puts on the Fluke minicomics convention down in Athens, which Chad and I will be appearing at in April. It’s a great little mag, and in the fifth issue, I wrote a big article on WCW’s Great American Bash 1992.

As for why I wanted to write about a relatively obscure wrestling event from 20 years ago, well, it has to do with the fact that I really, really wanted to see it when I was a kid, but never got to, so my mom ended up ordering the Pay-Per-View and describing it to me over the phone while I was in another state. For the article, I went back and watched it to see how it stacked up with my mom’s play-by-play.

There’s also an interview with Jill Thompson about wrestling, a report on Chikara, a chat with Chuck Taylor and some other stuff. You can grab it for five bucks, and even though the first three issues don’t have me in them, they’re well worth reading too.

The 8th Awesomeversary (Plus Two Days)

So last Sunday, the 6th of January, was the eighth anniversary of the day I signed up for a Blogger account so that I could get back into the practice of writing. And in true Modern Age ISB fashion, I was too busy writing for other things to update the blog. Whoooooops.

But yeah, it was a pretty big milestone. I started this thing when I was 22, working in a comic book store and wondering if I was ever going to be able to write, and now I’m 30, writing professionally, and I had my first OGN (cowritten with Chad Bowers, with art by Scott Kowalchuk and letters by Josh Krach) announced at New York Comic-Con, in front of a room (half) full of people, some of whom were nice enough to comb New York City for Sun Drop and bring us cans to drink on the panel. That’s pretty big, and it’s something that I can trace right back to the day Phil convinced me that blogging wasn’t a self-indulgent waste of time — or at least, that it was, but it’s the kind of self-indulgent waste of time that I like to do.

Last year, my New Year’s Resolution was to write more and not let the ISB get so fallow, and I think I did okay at it. The “problem,” if you even want to call it that, is that I was doing pretty okay as a freelancer, and most of the stuff I wanted to write was stuff people wanted to pay for. So while the ISB got some reviews of 3 year-old video games (which are still good darn it) and exactly one proof-of-concept recap of Impact Wrestling, I wrote some comics, one of which was actually released to the general public where a few people bought it, and did work for ComicsAliance, Grantland, WithLeather and Wired, writing about stuff I liked to write about. It’s pretty cool.

But anyway, before I get too maudlin and sappy, thanks to everyone who’s reading and is not a jerk (up yours if you are reading and are a jerk), whether you’ve stuck with me for the whole time or you’re new, or if you were just doing a search for vaginal ghosts and wound up here. That is my legacy as a critic, and I have come to accept that.

The Action Age Comics Never Look Back Never Say Die World Tour 2011 Hits Columbia! Again!



Today, my partner Chad Bowers and will be setting up at Cola-Con 2011! If you’re in or around Columbia, come by and say hello!

Cola-Con is a brand new show for this year devoted to comics and hip-hop, which is a pretty interesting combination, but one that I can definitely get behind. As far as the comics side, we’ll be set up along with our pal Jay Potts of the amazing World of Hurt, Columbia’s own Sanford Greene, and Super Pro KO creator Jarrett Williams, along with Marvel editor Jody LeHeup and more. If you can’t find us, just look around — we’ll be the ones goofing off behind a table and talking about Phantasm III. That’s pretty much how the Action Age rolls at cons.

The show runs from 4 to Midnight, so it’s a pretty solid way to kick off a weekend. For more information, check out, and hopefully I’ll see a few of you there!

Off To San Diego!



Did you guys know there’s a comic book convention in San Diego this week? Yeah, apparently it’s a big deal.

I’m heading out there to check it out, shoot some video, do some interviews, buy some comics, you know how I do. So while I’m gone, the ISB is going into a little thing I like to call No-Updates mode. I’ll most likely do a roundup when I get back of what goes on while I’m out West, but until then, keep an eye on ComicsAlliance for everything that happens during the con! We’ve got some really good stuff planned, even beyond me forcing someone to take me to In-N-Out burger.

The Action Age Comics Never Look Back Never Say Die World Tour 2011 Is Heading to HeroesCon!



This is the big one, everybody! This weekend, the Action Age is heading to Charlotte, North Carolina for the show we look forward to all year: HeroesCon! And this year, the entire team behind Awesome Hospital is going to be in the house: Me, Chad Bowers, Matt Digges and our lustrous letterer Josh Krach! Plus, a ton of good friends of ours are going to be there, including Curt Franklin, Chris Haley, Kevin Church, Ming Doyle, the unstoppable Dr. K, and my War Rocket Ajax co-hosts both old and new, Matt Wilson and Euge “Adam Warrock” Ahn!

The Action Age crew be hanging out at Table #626 In Artist’s Alley (a slight change from what’s in the program), and we’ll have print copies of Awesome Hospital #1, Monster Plus #1, Woman of A.C.T.I.O.N. #1, Skullkickers #6, and Resurrection #8, plus prints, postcards, and a pretty awesome Awesome Hospital promo that we came up with in a planning session. Hint: It’s edible. All that, and sketches!

Here’s a handy map to where we are:



BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! I’m going to be on a panel every day this weekend!

Friday at 1:00 in Room 206, I’m moderating The Comic Twart Panel! I did this last year and it was a ton of fun: Tom Fowler, Francesco Francavilla, Dan Panosian, Ron Salas, Declan Shalvey and Dave Johnson will be there, and you’ll get to watch them draw a character suggested by the audience right before your eyes. It’s really awesome, and they’re pretty hilarious to begin with, which means it’s the easiest panel in the world to moderate.

Saturday at 2:30 in Room 206, I’m on ComicsAlliance Live! with Curt Franklin and Chris Haley! It’ll be a Q&A where we take questions from the audience — Ask Chris style — and I hate to say something so cliche, but if you saw the video of last year’s panel, pretty much anything goes.

Sunday at 11:30 AM (or as I like to call it, “Hangover Time”) in Room 206, Chad, Matt and I will be on the Webcomics: Group Effort panel, talking about or work with Action Age, Awesome Hospital, Monster Plus, and maybe even the nigh-mythical Solomon Stone #3. This is where you’re most likely to hear inside dirt on how monstrous we are to work with, unless you run into Wilson or Euge at the hotel bar.

Plus, Sunday at 1:00 in Room 206, Chad’s going to be moderating the Family Friendly Comics panel, with Chris Giarrusso, Chris Schweizer, Andy Runton and Jamie Cosley.

I’m really looking forward to it; HeroesCon is always the most fun show of the year for me, and it has been every year that I’ve gone. If you’re in the area, or want to take a quick trip out to Charlotte for the weekend, I can’t recommend it highly enough. And if you are going, swing by the table and say hi! And also buy something. Buy everything.

Write More Good Signing This Saturday In Florence, SC



While this isn’t actually a part of the Action Age Comics Never Look Back Never Say Die World Tour 2011, it’s definitely a tie-in, or possibly a Secret Files. Point is, the unstoppable Dr. Andy Kunka and I will be signing copies of Write More Good this Saturday, May 21!

We will be at the Barnes & Noble at Magnolia Mall in Florence, South Carolina from 1 PM to 3 PM, so please plan your Rapture accordingly. For more information and other Bureau Chief signings that might be in your neck of the woods, click here, and if you’re in the area, come out and say hi!

The Action Age Comics Never Look Back Never Say Die World Tour 2011: Free Comic Book Day in Columbia, SC!



This Saturday is Free Comic Book Day, and Chad and I will be spending it at Heroes & Dragons in Columbia, South Carolina!

We’ll be there from 10 AM to at least 4 PM signing copies of Skullkickers, Resurrection, Awesome Hospital and more! Plus, you can get your own terrible sketch — or in Chad’s case, passable sketch — as well as all the great FCBD books and H&D’s biggest sale of the year. If you’re in or around Columbia, or planning on making the trip, call the shop for more details at (803) 731-HERO, and if you come by, say hello! We’ll be the ones watching Phantasm III on Netflix during the downtime!