Captain America’s Greatest Hits

To celebrate this week’s release of Captain America #600 (which came out today, or will come out on Wednesday, depending on where you shop), my latest contribution to the Comics Alliance is a gallery of Cap’s best moments!



Click above to give it a read, and enjoy thirteen great, surprisingly Batroc ze Leapair-free moments from Cap’s history, from punching Hitler to inspiring Lemmy Kilmister…. and beyond.

30 thoughts on “Captain America’s Greatest Hits

  1. #11 – Does…does Cap have “The Glow” there? Is he beating up Wolverine so badly that he becomes the Last Dragon? Because I approve.

  2. Y’know, I stopped reading comics about 20 years ago and yet I just love this website. That’s quite a tribute I think.

    Anyway, I just want to say that I miss the pre flight Falcon, Captain America will always only be Steve Rogers, and comics are way too expensive and way too slow at completing story lines. Thank heavens the animated fare has gotten so much better.

    Anyway, keep up the good work here. You are my last remaining literal link to the industry.

  3. to me, Captain America is so much more than just a comic book hero, he’s a symbol of everything America could and should be.

  4. I am both proud and embarrassed to admit that as a child I began what I called “Captain America Training” in my basement so I could one day become a super hero.

    It did not last long, and it did not go well.

  5. I can’t put it any more eloquently than “Anthony”: “I jus hope kids Start back Dreamin and REadin”. Well played, sir. Well played.

  6. re that Country Music shot: does it bother only me that the non-white person was the one “… not paying attention because of obvious reasons”? was this also a broadside at the state of education we had back then?

  7. It’s a good thing Thor was dead when Cap gave up and cried at the end of Civil War. I’m not sure the Odin-son would have dealt well with that.

  8. I guess its because I’m not American, but all I want to know is what the obvious reasons for Falcon not paying attention were?

    Erm, actually the “obvious reason” (though obviously not that obvious to some) was that Falcon was getting knocked out by Moonstone at the time that the villain gave away his little C.M. clue. He would’ve been paying more attention to the guy’s fist than what the guy said.

  9. …and completely unnoticed on the main page, underneath the picture of Cap smashing Hitler in the puss, is the best news of all. The words “DC Comics”, plain for all to see! Cap’s moving to DC! Nice!

  10. Given that the list is Batroc-Free, I’m tempted to call it a fail, but I won’t because I know Chris is hard at work on a Gallery of Batroc’s 5 1/2 Best Moments. Aren’t you?

  11. List of people Cap needs to punch out:

    1. Red Skull
    2. Norman Osborn
    3. Tony Stark
    4. Mark Millar
    5. Joe Quesada

    Not sure which should take priority there…

    Also, since he was dead when “Clone Saga II” (or it’s literary equivalent) began, does he get to tell Peter, “Hey, where’s your wife?”

  12. I want Cap to spend at least a solid issue just kicking the crap out of the Red Skull. No dialogue, just pain.

    It would be like G.I. Joe #21, but with Nazis instead of Ninjas and more panels of shields to the face.

  13. The moment where Cap stood up to Thanos was actually the point where I fell in love with the character. I was a kid then, and given to liking the gritty anti-hero types. But seeing Captain America, a guy with no powers, tell a god he was going to lose, and showing no fear, well, that showed me who I should really be rooting for.

  14. To be fair, that was a Nazi vampire he was decapitating. And that makes it all okay.

  15. Danicus Spamicus Decimus Meridius Said:

    “Captain America is a symbol of everything America could and should be.”

    I think Captain America is not a symbol of the things that are great about America, but the things that are great about all of mankind.

    Ultimate Cap is douche though.

  16. Don’t worry, Laura, we understand how you’d be…distracted under the circumstances.

  17. Always loved the vampire breaking his fangs on Cap’s neck armor and going ” …EEeeeHhh!!!

    Laughed and laughed and laughed.

  18. Nimbus, thanks; I hadn’t read the issue. All I meant by the`not American’ thing was that the rest of caps exploits hold no particular interest to me, but the mystery as to what was obvious did! (I have a tendancy to notice odd things, while missing the obvious in real life myself).

    Unlike grifter no thoughts of possible racial overtones had occured to me, although now they have, consarn it!

    More along the lines of that old `black people don’t like country music… hey what about Charlie Pride and, more recently, Darius Rucker?… they don’t count as black… why?… because they like country music…’ stupid circular argument Ive stumbled across on music forums once or twice.

    I chose to believe, however, that Falcon’s the type of guy who appreciates `good’ music regardless of genre.

  19. touche, Boneman. I’ll gladly concede the point there.

  20. Nimbus, thanks; I hadn’t read the issue.

    Neither have I. It’s “explained” in the actual panel that Chris posted over on the Comics Alliance (which is a great site btw).

  21. I remember two years ago when I wondered aloud how long it would take them to resurrect Steve Rogers, and I was drowned out by a cacophony of people irately insisting that “dead means dead” and he’d never come back.

    It’s like they’d never read a comic before. :)

  22. Nimbus, um, no its not. It says `sometimes when Moonstone talked he dropped references to country music’ and then `just before he nailed you he said that museum moonrock had given him lazer powers’. No reference to the country music talk being after Falcon getting `nailed’. So, if you onyl got your explanation from that panel, I’m back to wondering what the obvious reasons were.

    RDGStout, I also like how when the `reborn’ teaser was put out, and talk about Brubaker writing it began, there were somepeople who thought maybe that it would be about someone other than Cap!