Great Comics That Never Happened #22: Fear Itself 1942



“Right now, the heroes of the Marvel Universe are battling it out against the Red Skull’s sinister plot in Fear Itself, but it’s not the first time a Nazi leader has sought to unleash the power of fear on America at a time of crisis! Find out how it all happened the first time around when Adolf Hitler battled President Franklin Delano Roosevelt himself in the pages of the sadly nonexistent Fear Itself: 1942!

9 thoughts on “Great Comics That Never Happened #22: Fear Itself 1942

  1. no postings about The Annihilators yet? surely you have something else to say by now beyond your Comics Alliance article.

  2. So why is Cap old and in a wheelchair if this is a WWII story? Also why are there snakes? Not read any “Fear Itself” yet, so I might be missing something.

  3. Did this comic happen? How good was it or would it be, qualitatively?

    PS What is its name?

  4. “So why is Cap old and in a wheelchair if this is a WWII story?”

    Clearly Hitler has stolen Mjolnir from Thor and is using the power of thunder to super-age Cap. And also create wheelchairs for his victims to collapse into.

  5. “When I struck my cane against the rock, something strange happened!

    “I feel myself being changed…filled with incredible, monstrous power!

    “What–what has happened to me? The cane has become a hammer! With writing on the side!”


    “That explains the toothbrush mustache and sudden urge to murder everyone…but what about…”

    [reaches hand into pants, checks ballsack]