Smallvillains 10×7: Ambush (Or: Meet The General)



I think David Uzumeri said it best when he identified this week’s Smallville as the second stop on the show’s tour through the magical world of plots that were done better in movies. This time, it’s Meet The Parents, as General Lane shows up to harass Clark and almost gets blown up by a missile.

It’s not nearly as bad as the last episode, but it’s pretty forgettable. Even so, Uzi and I do our best to make it fun in this week’s installment of Smallvillains, in which we, like the show, get so far off the rails that we start talking about T-Pain. Believe it!

18 thoughts on “Smallvillains 10×7: Ambush (Or: Meet The General)

  1. good luck with your smallville comments. you take on the worst of netflix movies with pretty good cheer, but i feel you may be out of your league with smallville. it’s a gulag of dismally bad and bland writing.

    it feels like it’s already wearing on your nigh-invulnerable charm.

  2. Remember that time on the internet where people completely missed the point of an article/review and sucked all the fun out of it with a ton of hyperbole?

    That was awesome.

    Wait, no…it wasn’t.

  3. I see that you continue in your efforts to make the terms “Lucy Lane” and “hateful shrew” synonymous.

    I have little doubt that you will succeed.

  4. Holy crap! I saw the last half hour of this! They actually DO call him “The Blur” like that’s an actual thing! I thought you had been exaggerating or maybe that they called him that like an urban legend, but he’s actually a superhero who’s superhero name is really “The Blur!” That’s terrible, man! I mean that’s really awful!

  5. It’s also kind of ripped off from JMS’ Supreme Power, when the hero formerly known as Whizzer was renamed the Atlanta Blur.

    Yeah, it was stupid sounding then, too.

  6. I started watching a couple of seasons ago, but I haven’t seen any this year. That justice society episode last year was pretty awful; sounds like more of the same this season.

    I liked how they called him tye Blur, though. I took it as in on homage to all those golden age super heroes whose names started with “The”.

    And there was some effective becoming a hero stuff in those episodes. Clark and Oliver’s roles were almost reversed, with Clark taking the moral high ground versus Oliver’s vigilantism. but he did stuff, too .

    now you have ruined all those fond memories for me!

  7. forgive all the typos and punctuation errors. I wrote most of that post and all of this 1 with google’s voice transcription on my android phone.

  8. Man you guys don’t know what your talking about. This is just another reimaging of Supermans origins like any other, and your just two people on the internet ripping it to shreds for your own amusement. I don’t realy care what you think of it, but reimagin it as a poorly-written teenage drama that replaces depth with dated movie references is just as valid as anything else, and your just using the Internet to make yourelves feel big and looking down on all the loyal fans of poorly written teenage dramas. Congratulations, you’ve made a comics-fan of 5 years upset, I hope your happy.


  9. Damn Andrew, that’s a lot of investment in a holdover CW teen soap. Anyways, it’s always screamed “I’m so late-90’s edgy!!!” to me, and hasn’t ever really done anything to shake that.

  10. Andrew, wasn’t that line from the CA commenter fantastic? “You’ve upset a comics fan of 20 years.” Like there’s anything on Earth easier to do than upset a comics fan on the internet. “Upset a comics fan? My monocle has fallen into my consomme from bemusement!” Comics fans compete for status by seeing who can get more upset over minutia, upset is our natural state, Mr. CA Commenter.

  11. I couldn’t remember the exact line, and it didn’t even occur to me look it up. I figured as long as I got the gist of that guy’s post it’d work, especially considering it was all just an excuse to use the greatest hashtag ever.

  12. @Andrew I love it when people mistake sarcasm for sincerity. My only regret is that you didn’t start a huge fight before Tim blew your cover.

  13. @Tim C: “The Blur” is not too bad. It’s better than “the Flash” (which can have some, erm, unwanted meanings).

  14. Trust me, even though it sounds like a minor league baseball team, The Atlanta Blur is a much better name compared to “The Whizzer.”

    Ask any group of kids on a playground. I’ll wait.