The Infamous Tony Daniel Interview, In Which Someone Gets Batmanned



Last weekend at the New York Comic-Con, I interviewed Batman writer/artist Tony Daniel, and… well, here’s what it says on the site:

Daniel also talked about working as the artist on the critically-acclaimed “Batman R.I.P” run in the “Batman” comic, where he says he “had a tremendous amount of fun working with Grant Morrison. I knew from the get-go that it was going to be epic. I mean, we all knew, months in advance, that this was going to be a very big storyline.”

Then came the unfortunate interruption, as a random guy walked directly through the interview between the camera and Daniel, and then turned and threatened to “f**k up” our cameraman, Chris Murphy, when he objected. While the threat was not carried out and the man ultimately moved on, Daniel was nonetheless determined to right the wrong, and stopped the interview to have security eject the man from the convention, making it a safer and less douchey place for all.

Which is to say, Tony Daniel totally Batmanned someone at New York Comic-Con.

We can think of no better reason why he should write this book.

Yep. That happened.

The weird thing for me, though, was this: I had no idea what the guy had said to Chris Murphy. We were in the middle of a huge con, so it was noisy, and I was trying to concentrate on what Daniel was saying in case I needed to go for a follow-up question, so all I knew was that some dude walked through our shot. This was, unfortunately, not an entirely unheard of occurrence — Murphy’s camera is small, which is great for portability but not so much for visibility, and we almost always end up shooting in the middle of a crowd. So I, having been raised with the hospitality befitting a Southern gentlemen such as myself, assumed that when the dude stuck his head back in the shot, it was to make an awkward apology, not to tell Chris Murphy he was going to fuck him up. So the only thing that I know was that a dude went through the shot, and Tony Daniel got pissed and had him thrown out.

“Man,” I remember thinking, “This guy does not like having his PR messed with.”

After we were done with the interview, though, Daniel and Murphy explained what had happened, and — sorry, Chris — I thought it was absolutely hilarious, if only because the writer/artist of Batman had totally taken down an honest-to-god bad guy. And for the record, he told us to leave it in the final cut.

Also, at the start of the interview, he apologized repeatedly for making us wait while he took the time to draw a few sketches for kids, and seriously? That is never the sort of thing you need to apologize for.

Tony Daniel: Good dude.

8 thoughts on “The Infamous Tony Daniel Interview, In Which Someone Gets Batmanned

  1. Tony Daniel is a little baby that wants everything to go according to his plan. He’s bans people from his blog and apparently, now, he thinks he can ban people in real life. The height of immaturity. I’m not sure if the guy was unstable or not and that would be another issue, but if he just rubbed Tony the wrong way and was ostensibly rude then there was no grounds for removing him. This convention was in New York, last time I checked people have free speech and can do what they want verbally.

    Plus, Tony Daniel can’t write for his life and his drawings have been downhill since RIP. I think you have to agree on that Chris.

  2. “This convention was in New York, last time I checked people have free speech and can do what they want verbally. ”

    You’re an idiot and you should go away.

  3. This convention was in New York, last time I checked people have free speech and can do what they want verbally.

    Really? ‘Cause last I checked, threatening to physically harm somebody wasn’t okay, and private functions could make rules and evict people as they saw fit.

  4. No one is infringing on anyone’s right to talk like an asshole. Freedom of speech means that you can’t be stopped from saying whatever you want or arrested after the fact. If doesn’t mean that you’re free from people reacting to whatever threatening bullshit you’re spouting.

  5. Also, freedom of speech really only means the government can’t tell you what not to say.