65 thoughts on “The Most Awesome Thing You’ll See Today

  1. Wow. Firstly, im amazed that ANYONE is denying the awesomeness of this concept.
    Secondly, how about some kudos for the artist? lord knows I’M nineteen shades of impressed.

  2. I’m not your typical internet comic reader. Among other ways I diverge from the norm is that I don’t think the Silver Age was so awesome and when heroes acted like heroes and insist that’s how thing should be now (while hypocritically accusing people of wanthings things to be just like when they were kids), bashing the du jour whipping boy, pronouncing that everything Marvel and DC put out are shit, or fabricating reasons to bitch about Marvel or DC product. Truly, I am a magical snowflake.

  3. That’s no excuse for being a magical rude flake.

    Kate, thanks for taking the time to make that and share it with us. I think it’s effin’ sweet! It reminds me that in a finer world, a flying shark would have crashed through the window of stately Wayne Manor on that fateful evening.

  4. Huge kudos, props, and Fraction-style pentagrams to Kate Holden. Just how many home-brew iron-on t-shirts is this thing going to inspire?
    Answer: more shirts than you can chuk a shark at!

  5. The funny thing is I thought to myself upon reading the title, “I don’t know if this can be better than Nunchuck Sharks.” I was both right and terribly wrong.

  6. I’m afraid that Thor in Secret Invasion #6 has this beat by a country mile.

    A) You’re wrong, and

    I’m not your typical internet comic reader.

    B) Yes, you actually are.

  7. It is a proven fact that anyone who tells you how unique and outside-the-box they are is, in fact, the most boring and predictable motherfucker around.

    And they always come along to buzzkill something needlessly.

  8. Man, those would have come in handy that one time The Joker made Baman fight a shark…

    Nice drawing too, by the way. Chris, next time you accost Jann Jones in a bar to ask her about Sugar and Spike reprints, you should follow-up with a pitch for a Batman Confidential arc about how Batman got his shark nunchucks, by yourself and Ms. Holden.

  9. Jesus, someone was a big enough fan of Chris’s post and Chris himself that she took the time to do a fun, light-hearted but still kick-ass drawing of Batman with shark nunchuks and some assholes decide to talk shit about it. Why don’t you all just fuck off and go to Newsarama?

    Sorry for getting to vitriolic, but damn, that kind of shit pisses me off.

    Great job, Kate!

  10. First time I’ve posted on this excellent blog (which I read every day), but I just had to comment that this picture really made me laugh.

    I don’t often read the comments here, but jeeez, it seems like the Newsarama readers are having a field trip to the rest of the internet today… What’s with the hate? This is some kick-ass fan art, dammit.

  11. here is the demographic for comments here…48% completely unnecessary complaining about nothing, 48% complaining about the unnecessary complaining,4% commenting on the unecessary complaining about nothing and the complaining about the unnecessary complaining.

  12. I used to think the official hierarchy of superheroes went:

    Superheroes who fight sharks > Superheroes who fight bears > Superheroes who punch Nazis > All other superheroes.

    I now realise that I underestimated the upper limits of awesome.

  13. This is all sorts of fantastic and I am envious of Kate’s talent and Chris’s ability to inspire such talent. In the words of one of the greatest statement of our time, “Wowsers!”

  14. Dammit!
    She beat me to it!

    …And did better than I would have, too.

    There have to be a number of artists who read this blog.
    Chris, you ought to host an ISB Draw-Off sometime!

  15. “why don’t you all fuck off and go to Newsarama”

    Heh. Loudly seconded. Super-awesome job, Kate, I love it.

    Somewhere, Aquaman is sobbing.

  16. There have to be a number of artists who read this blog.
    Chris, you ought to host an ISB Draw-Off sometime!

    Uh, you guys know that I occasionally write things that are not a blog and that would require an artist, right?

  17. This is now my desktop wallpaper.

    I’ve added the caption, “Good Morning, Jeff. This is the Most Awesome Thing You’ll See ALL DAY.”

  18. Bates, that Car Battery Nunchuck Batman rocks my socks off.
    Thanks for all the kind comments, guys. Thanks very much to Chris for putting it up. Having art on the ISB has increased the awesome level of my life by several percent!

    Here’s a desktop background version:

    Totally try this at home! (By which I’m not entirely sure if I mean drawing or using sharkchucks. Drawing is the lower cost option both in money and limbs I think).

  19. Uh, you guys know that I occasionally write things that are not a blog and that would require an artist, right?

    Indeed, EVEN NOW I’m working on the graphic novel adaptation of Solomon Stone…

  20. Kate, I’m not overstating anything when I say that artwork is very, very good.

    I looked at your site, and I think you should be drawing “Runaways.”

  21. Yay! 23 turned into a good comment, rendering my previous comment ‘cryptic.’

    Anyway: thanks again for the great contribution to awesomeness, Kate!

  22. I’m afraid that Thor in Secret Invasion #6 has this beat by a country mile.

    Is this in English? Because that sentence doesn’t make any sense. It’s almost as if you’re implying that a comic with Thor in that is not written by Walt Simonson is…good.

  23. Kate, should you ever come to cape cod, I will buy you the beverage of your choice. Same for you, Sims.

  24. I now eagerly await the Sims/Kate mini Final Crisis: Sharkchucks. Preferably featuring the Dark Knight fending off a villain armed with a dire flailing whipaxe.

    And the battery-chucks ain’t half-bad either.

  25. Hold up… I just thought of a way to pull this off in comic continuity.

    Let’s say for instance, that Ra’s Al Ghul has cut a deal with the Black Manta. Arthur calls batman down to Atlantis to stop this madman’s plan.

    We get a six page fight, and when it looks like Black Manta is winning, he kicks batman in the path of a royal chariot, being pulled by two sharks. Batman looks up at the terrified chariot driver and unhooks the sharks.

    Then for the next two pages, Manta and his troops get plowed through by the completely unexpected sharkchuks. And while Batman is sharkchuking the Manta’s army, Arthur is pimp-slapping Al Ghul’s Immortals. The two heroes wind up back to back, share a “let’s kick some ass” smile and finish opening up the biggest can of whupass either of their enemies have ever seen.

    At the end of the book, Batman and Aquaman are on land, and Arthur, before diving back in, says “You know those sharks? Keep them. Heaven knows, the batcave could use some new trophies.” Aquaman dives in and Batman calls home. “Tim, Alfred. I need you to buy an aquarium.”

  26. TwilightCorps, I’m way ahead of you. I’ve already got the story of Batman using the Shark-Chuks against Captain Stingaree’s crew when there are two big off-panel “CHOMPS!!” and the Bat-Sharks come back with NO HEADS!! And everyone’s like “Holy Shit! No Way!” And then on the next page, its totally the return of ORCA THE WHALE WOMAN, the one Batman villain capable of withstanding the Shark-Chuks!!!!! And Batman gets his ass kicked and has to escape and make newer and even better Shark-Chuks! And they have to be atomic-robo-Sharks because a) Killer Whales would eat any other kind of shark; and b) because Batman can’t stand to lose any more Shark-Nunchuk partners the way he lost those first two. And after he kicks their asses because he’s all grim and vengeful, everyone’s all like “You saved the day again, Batman! Batman? Where did he go?” And the last page is him looking at the tails from his first two sharks in a glass case next to Jason Todd’s and a single tear is rolling down his cheek. I was going to call it Bat-Shark-Chuk-Fall!

  27. The two heroes wind up back to back, share a “let’s kick some ass” smile and finish opening up the biggest can of whupass either of their enemies have ever seen.

    A big DOLPHIN-FRIENDLY can of whupass.

  28. Great pic, it’s very surreal. And with the addition of the battery-chucks I think Chris may have inspired a new surrealist movement. There was cubism, and dadaism now there is NUNCHUKISM.

  29. This morning I was planning on shooting some puppies, but now that I’ve seen this I think I’ll spread world peace instead.