This is it, everybody! FakeAPStylebook’s Write More Good is finally out! No more having to pre-order, you can actually regular order it right now!

Now, this is very important: We’re trying to hit #1 on Amazon today, because really, which would you rather have sitting at the top of Amazon: A book about heaven read exclusively by grandmas, a guide to dieting that charges $14 to tell you not to shove pizza rolls into your face all day, or an entire book of brand-new comedy about commas and homonyms by a bunch of Internet people with a foreword by Roger Ebert? That’s what I thought. And as we learned from the amazing success of Machine of Death, it’s entirely possible.

Right now, the book’s less than nine bucks, so give it a read, tell your friends, and shout it from the rooftops! Today’s the day I got a book out in actual bookstores!

UPDATE: Alas, didn’t make to to #1. “True stories” of Heaven by children and diet books have an unshakable grip on that list that even the mightiest copy editing joke cannot break. BUT, we did make it to Top 10 in Comedy, the top 250 overall and #1 in “Literature and Criticism,” which means we beat Mark Twain. Not too shabby. Thanks, everyone!

10 thoughts on “WRITE MORE GOOD Is Out Today!

  1. Of course, if it were a guide to dieting that charged me $14 to tell me that I *should* shove pizza rolls into my face all the livelong day, it would be over for your funny funny book.

  2. Hey, quick question: Which serves your interests best, sales of the paper version or the Kindle version? Does it matter? I really only read via kindle now, but the paper version is actually showing up at about the same price on Amazon, and I’ll gladly kill a tree or two to support you. Just let me know which you prefer (and ignore the temptation to say “both”). Thanks!

  3. I got the Kindle version because I know it’s the only way I’ll get around to reading it.

    I think it’s more expensive because another company did the Kindle conversion and they charged a mark up.

  4. I went ahead and bought the Kindle version based on Phil’s logic, above. I’ll read it on Kindle–it would just become a part of my many stacks of unread books if I buy the print version.