15 thoughts on “BATMAN

  1. Did Batman’s mask eyebrows ever emote, like Spidey’s eyes sometimes do? Seems like a lost opportunity there if they didn’t.

    Also: Those are some dynamite cheekbones.

  2. This panel appears to occur after Batman fell in combat with the Balrog, and became Batman the White.

  3. If scott met batman he’d gain awesome experience points, up a couple of levels and totally kick gideon’s ass no worries.

    Also, doesn’t Batman have more evil exes than three? It seems to me like he should somehow.

  4. If you’re going to paint eyebrows on the mask you use to scare criminals, why would you paint them all pensive and curious when you could make them look angry and scary?

  5. nicely done. I’m a huge fan of the Scott Pilgrim comics and it took even me a second to understand this. Awesome.

  6. There’s a running thing in the Scott Pilgrim books that when someone is feeling upset or unsure about their relationship, their head glows.