Friday Night Fights: Batroc the Leap Day!

As I’m sure you’ll notice if you check your calendar, it’s February 29th, a day that only comes around once every four years. Needless to say, this is an occasion that even the Cosmic Powers of Ass-Kickery must pause to celebrate.

And really, there’s only one way to celebrate both Leap Day and fighting…









Joyeaux Leap Day, Mes Amis!


L’histoire entière du combat de Batroc avec Captain America peut être trouvée dans Captain America # 303, par Mike Carlin et Paul Neary.

Friday Night Fights/Bring It On Week: CHEER-RUMBLE!

Despite the presence of a “cheer-rumble” in In It To Win It and the incorporation of the Cal State Martial Arts Club into Bring It On Again‘s “Renegades” squad, the Bring It On films are almost disturbingly free of violence. If, you know, you don’t count that time that Sparky Polastri flicks Eliza Dushku’s nose.

But let’s be real here: That’s not going to satisfy the Devourer of Funk when he puts out the call for fighting! Fortunately, I was able to find a suitable substitute…




For those of you unfamiliar with Geoff Johns’ best comic, that’s Shiv–who conforms full-tilt to the Evil Head Cheerleader stereotype, even unto super-villanous extremes–in the foreground, displaying proper spirit, and Courtney–who would go on to join the JSA and take the name “Stargirl”–off on the right, trying to preserve her modesty.

Sadly, the actual battle doesn’t have a lot to do with their cheerleading, but I think I’ve fixed that pretty handily. After all, this isn’t a democracy…





And that’s Cheereal.


You can find a little more cheerleading and a lot more face-kicking in the pages of the recently collected Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E., by Geoff Johns and Lee Moder.





After a minor diversion involving both bad donuts and Pac-Man, bitterandrew returns to Bringing It On with a round-up of music videos featuring cheerleaders, who lead cheers, lament neglectful boyfriends, and usher in the era of Grunge.

Head Cheerfiliate Bully keeps the pom-poms flying with one of his trademark Ten of a Kind posts, and as a fitting sign of my bad influence on the Comics Blogger Internet, it includes Tarot. What hath I wrought?!

Also, Bully goes the extra mile by bringing GI Joe: Special Missions #24 to my attention, as its plot revolves around the lovely ladies of the GI Joe team going undercover as cheerleaders for a baseball team…



…and while I hate to be the one to point this out, baseball doesn’t actually have cheerleaders. Still, it got Jinx and Cover Girl into a chorus line, so I’m willing to forgive.

And finally, while it includes exactly zero pictures of comic book characters in cheerleader oufits, former ISB Contest Winner Cap’n Neurotic offers up a post on his memories of being lucky enough to catch Bring It On in the theater.

Friday Night Fights/Romance Special: Used To Be A Lover, But Now…

At this time of year, not even Bahlactus can turn his thoughts from love! Of course, he does things a little differently



“Two men can be so different… and a foolish girl, blinded by the smooth glitter of one of them, can so easily fail to see that the other might have a wealth of love… The trouble is, it’s hard to tell the difference between a lover…”





“… and a FIGHTER.”


Suzanne’s honor is defended in the pages of 1971’s Heart Throbs #132, but don’t read it unless you’re.. *choke*that kind of girl!

Friday Night Fights: Pistolwhip’d!

By the order of Bahlactus, the following images have been classified as Above Top Radness:








Not bad for a guy codenamed “Tulip,” is it?


Minder Three takes out the assassins in the pages of Greg Rucka and Steve Rolston’s Queen & Country #3, but more excitement and the most thrilling espionage in comics can be found in the new Queen & Country Definitive Edition v.1, which is seriously awesome.