Attention, Internet!

Archie Andrews informs me that you have just been served.



Deal with it.


(Translation: Chris’s stomach seems to be in the throes of rebellion, most likely due to the creeping scourge of Communism. Slightly more tenable content will resume tomorrow.)

The Monday Meme: Grumpus Loves Betty

This may not come as a surprise to anyone, but I own a lot of comics.

It’s a pretty obvious fact that I’ve become acutely aware of over the past few days, since I’ve been moving my collection around into a new set of boxes, but what surprised me even more than the fact that I’ve got an entire run of John Ostrander’s Martian Manhunter series that I’ve never read a single issue of was the sheer amount of Archie books that I’ve got. Admittedly, I’ve been buying the entire line for more than a year now, but still: There’s a ton of ’em.

It stuck out to me so much that I decided–as any right-minded person would–to take a picture of myself holding a bunch of them and scowling and, for reasons that were obvious at the time, send it to a bunch of my pals:



Incidentally, if it looks like I never sleep, it’s because… well, probably because I’m up late writing about the Bat-Witch or something every night.

Kevin Church was the first to respond with an image that provided tonight’s title:



Next up, Mark Hale casts aspersions on the motivating force behind my Riverdalean obsessions:



Then Dave Lartigue decided to throw in a little of the urban flava that we’ve come to expect from the ISB:



The possibilities are endless. Join us, won’t you?